How to Fix a Stuck Key on Keyboard?

Keyboards are a great accessory for your Computer. They are useful for typing, gaming, and file management. Unfortunately, a key is often stuck in the “on” or “off” position. This could be problematic, especially for office workers who depend on their keyboard.


A keyboard is a clogging of keys that prevents the user from pressing them in response. Normally, a key is caused by dirt or debris that has managed to get between two parts of the keyboard. If you learn how, you can actually fix this keyboard problems

Have you ever experienced having a stuck key that won’t turn? It might not be a big deal if all you needed was one key, but if it’s something that 2-3 keys will get stuck, you might have to do some thinking to figure out why it is happening and how to fix it. This is why we have come up with this article; so that you won’t be sitting around wondering what to do next.

Steps to Fix Stuck keyboard Key


If you own a computer, you’ve probably at least once used the keyboard. Even though you might be using it every day, there is always the possibility that your keyboard button might get stuck. Here are steps to resolve this issue.

1- Restart the Computer

Turn off your Computer and wait for 10 seconds. Then hit the power button once more to turn it on. Press down on the key for a few seconds until it releases, then try opening your stuck key again. Sometimes restarting the Computer or laptop can fix the issue. You should definitely clean your keyboard if this doesn’t work.

2- Clean the Keyboard

When looking for a solution to your keyboard key issue, cleaning your keyboard is one of the first things that should be done. It would help if you also cleaned out any dirt or dust from around where you have been pressing keys because this can lead to problems later down the road when trying to type something out or using the Computer for typing tasks or other activities requiring proper function of those keys.

Take out all of your keys from their slots on the keyboard, then use a soft cloth dampened with water to wipe off any excess moisture from each key gently. Use of items like steel wool or sandpaper, which are sharp or abrasive, may result in harm to other keys or internal parts of your computer. To remove any dust, you can alternatively blow it out using compressed air.

3- Remove Power Cord from the Computer

Another way to fix a key on the keyboard is by removing the power cord from the Computer and inserting it again after 5 seconds. This is because sometimes, when you remove the power cord from your Computer, some internal parts are not getting enough power supply, thus causing connection errors. It should restore the connection with those parts by plugging them back in again.

4- Disable Filter Keys

With Windows 10, you may use the Filter Keys feature to regulate the keyboard repetition rate and disregard repeated keystrokes. This function is helpful for those with tremors in their hands or unsteady finger movements.

This feature, nevertheless, might cause issues, particularly for quick typists. In your instance, disabling Filter Keys might be the answer:

  • Use the Windows logo key + I to launch the “Settings” application.
  • Navigate to the “Keyboard” tab in the left pane of “Easy accessibility” by opening it.
  • Look for the “Filter Keys” option and confirm it is turned on. If so, turn it off by clicking the toggle button.

5- Update or Reinstall Keyboard Driver

If you are using a new laptop with Windows 10, you might have to update the keyboard driver before using it. To do this, go to Device Manager and click on the “Update Driver Software” option in the “Installed Updates” section. This will open up a window where you can select your keyboard from the list of available drivers and download it again for your Computer

Once you’ve done that, restart your computer and try using the keyboard once more. Proceed to the following step if it still doesn’t work.

6- Use External Keyboard

If none of these methods work for you, then an external keyboard would be better suited for typing purposes since they do not require drivers to be installed on your Computer. You can easily find the keyboard key stuck repeating and attach it to the Computer to make your work easy.

How to fix stuck keyboard keys on Mac?

The Mac keyboard is one of the most advanced keyboards of this era, so you should take care of it. But if the keys of your keyboard are causing problems, there are some ways to troubleshoot and repair it yourself.

First, check that you’ve got the right key: each key on the keyboard has a specific letter printed. If you’re unsure if your problem is with that letter or another one, try pressing the wrong key and see if it makes any difference.

If you still can’t figure out what’s wrong with your keyboard, try pressing down every key and see which ones stick or make noise when you do so. If none of these do, try wiping them down with a cloth or compressed air. Please ensure no dirt or dust gets into any crevices between keys or underneath them. This goes a long way toward resolving the issue.


So there it is. This is a convenient summary of how to get your key unstuck and working again. Of course, you can always replace the keyboard if it is a problem with your whole keyboard, but when it comes down to having a non-working key, this should be able to get it up and running again

A stuck key causes lots of frustration and creates trouble while typing. It would be beneficial if you quickly repaired it. It is simple to correct. See what you can do to resolve this issue by following the instructions above. Ideally, one of these fixes will solve your issue.


What is a Stuck Key?

A keyboard key is a common but frustrating problem. It can often occur when you’re using your Computer, such as when you’re typing or playing games. The most common cause of a stuck keyboard key is debris getting stuck on one of the keys. If you have a lot of dirt or dust on your keyboard, one of the keys may have become stuck due to this debris. Try to clean it.

How to Fix a Stuck Key on Keyboard?

Unplug the keyboard and clean the keys of any debris as soon as possible. Then, carefully press down on each key to see if it can be pushed back up into place. If it isn’t, try gently tapping the key with a thin object such as a plastic ruler or screwdriver. If that doesn’t work, use a cloth or paper towel to clean any dirt or debris off the keys.

How long does it take to fix a stuck key?

Depending on the kind of blocked key and the method of repair. If you have broken keys, you must replace them with new ones. However, if you have jammed keys, you can easily remove them without replacing them with new ones.

Is there any risk in using compressed air to fix the key on the keyboard?

No, there is no risk in using compressed air to fix the key on the keyboard. However, if you have tried everything else and failed to remove the stuck key, this option might be your last resort. Ensure you do not get too close to the keys while using the compressed air, as this can further damage them.

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